[눈정화 플레이] EPL 입성 하자마자 득점왕이된 엘링 홀란드, 22-23시즌 보여 줬던 환상적인 골 TOP3

<2. 22-23 season against Southampton> We finish neatly with a bike kick. Of course, the pass itself went up easy to take, but the RBI itself is different from that of ordinary players because of its long legs. LOLThirty-six points (which is awkwardly high, perhaps because he is usually the top scorer in his mid-20s), which is quite different from the 2-3rd place, we will appreciate three impressive goals out of a number of goals in this post.< 3. 22-23 Season Crystal Palace > Manchester City’s fantastic pass play stands out more than Holland’s personal ability. It’s carried exactly where the pass can go in a small space. Especially the last one wasn’t a shot, but an intended pass, right? ㄷㅋStriker position Erling Holland, whom City have always missed, was the perfect fit to quench that thirst. In his debut season, he scores an incredible number of goals to be considered a fresh EPL player.EPL winners, tour of Etihad Stadium in Manchester City, tour of Etihad Stadium, train to London and head to Manchester. The Etihad Stadium, Manchester City’s home stadium, is Manchester…blog.naver.com< 1. Champions League Dortmund Final Goal > Canselu’s out front cross is not exactly above and below the top of the foot, but “any part of the foot.” Personally, I think it’s a very Holland goal (because it’s a North European nationality, it’s reminiscent of Zlatan), but I think it’s Erling Holland’s biggest advantage that he can finish in any situation with a superior physical.

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